How Lawyers can Help Witnesses Prepare for a Video Examination

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the vast majority of examinations for discovery are conducted through online platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. As it is a natural tendency for witnesses to be insecure in front of a camera, lawyers can aid in making the process more comfortable and effortless. Here are a few areas […]

How a Lawyer can Prepare for an Examination for Discovery

An examination for discovery is the process where lawyers can review the strength and weaknesses of their case and a well-prepared lawyer will benefit from this exercise. Examinations also help lawyers to understand which areas need focus, and how to refine their presentation. Use of language Typically, court officials are familiar with legal terminology but […]

5 Ways to Maintain a Productive Mindset During an Examination

One of the most crucial moments leading up to trial is discovery. Discoveries are not only essential, but they can often be an important part of a lawyer’s trial because it is an opportunity for them to take advantage of the situation and strengthen, receive feedback, and assess the evidence that they have. Making the […]

What You Need To Do To Become A Certified Court Reporter in Ontario

To become a court reporter in Ontario, one must complete certifications and courses after high school that specifically focus on court reporting. The good news for you is that these courses shouldn’t take more than 4 years to complete. Schools across Canada offer both school, and online courses, but it is likely that considering the […]

The Importance of Active Listening

Active listening has a universal theme, such as the role of undivided attention. But much of listening is also context-specific. There is a difference when it comes to listening in a meeting versus a cross-examination. It is advisable for lawyers to use their active listening skills to ensure success. There are five distinct listening contexts […]

How to Conduct a Productive Virtual Meeting

A meeting can be an effective and productive tool to facilitate the communication of ideas and concerns between team members. However, poor oversight of a meeting can produce the opposite of these results, and leave the parties confused and frustrated. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, consider the following tips for running a meeting: […]

Are You The Best Court Reporter?

In a previous post, we addressed the importance of clients using court reporters during legal proceedings and talked about the attributes to look for when selecting a court reporter. In this article, we offer some tips to court reporters, to help you become the best court reporter that you can be. As a court reporter, […]

The Online Image of Court Reporters

Building an image online can be very useful for freelance court reporters. As a cheaper alternative to paid advertising, maintaining an active digital presence can allow them to effectively showcase their brand and talents in an industry that is often overlooked.  When done right, an online presence utilizing the right platforms and strategic posting can […]

Freelance Court Reporting vs Official Court Reporting

For those considering a career in court reporting, there are two types of reporters: freelance reporters and official reporters. Although they perform the same duties, there are some differences. Here are the pros and cons, particularly from the reporter’s perspective. Freelance court reporters: These reporters are usually self-employed. Sometimes they are employees who work for […]

How Important is Filming during an Examination for Discovery?

There are several benefits to filming an examination for discovery: Bringing in the right element to the case: Many people consume news via digital media. Recordings have become an essential way to relay facts and to engagingly showcase what occurred. Using this medium can help the lawyer better present their case in a format that […]