How to Perfect Your Craft as a Student Court Reporter – Follow these Effortless Tips and Tricks.

In a previous blog, we addressed the importance of meticulousness while providing court reporting services, as well as several reasons why one should hire a court reporter.  In this blog, we will help you identify ways in which you can develop practical, lifelong skills in your chosen profession.  You can start that career development quite early, even as a student.

It is no secret that a court reporting career can be stressful. Although the rewards are appealing, there are certainly times when the abundance of responsibilities can be demanding.  Having a plan in place to help combat the pressure can help ease the sense of being overwhelmed, a feeling experienced by many busy professionals at some point in their career.

Though some people thrive under pressure, one of the most common causes of stress is having to accomplish mountains of work within tight deadlines:  court reporters are frequently asked to produce perfect transcripts virtually immediately. Here are some steps you can take to help keep yourself sharp and efficient.

  1. Prioritise

Know the amount of time you have available, and plan your next steps. Take a seat and assess the how long it will take for you to complete each task on your agenda. Think about each task from start to finish, from proofreading to delivery. Having a schedule in hand will help you measure whether or not you are meeting specific targets, and will keep you on track as to what tasks take priority.

  1. Reflect

There is nothing wrong in taking some time to think before starting the task at hand. Ask your client questions if you find yourself unsure about what is required, or if you wish to know whether or not the stated deadline can be extended.  You may even wish to use colleagues as a resource for practical “how-to” advice, subject to maintaining strict confidentiality with respect to the facts of the case on which you are reporting.

  1. Obtain Help

Learn how to delegate. Sometimes the unexpected happens and you may find yourself unable to meet the deadline to which you originally agreed.  In this case, having family or a friend to help you take care of non-work issues that arise.  Again, recourse to a colleague can be helpful provided you do not breach your obligation of confidentiality to the parties involved in the case at hand.

  1. Conclusion

Feeling overwhelmed is not permanent. Prioritizing, planning and knowing when to seek help and advice can help you accomplish your goal of becoming a star court reporter and of delivering a professional service to your clients.

Call one of our locations today, conveniently located in Whitby and Barrie to book a court reporter for a meeting or a mediation, or even to discuss a court reporting position with OTR. We look forward to discussing your court reporting skills.

